dissabte, 3 de juny del 2006


Avui no és un bon dia per escriure, perquè segurament sortirien de les meves mans víbores, verí, males paraules, teràpia a mig digerir...

Millor us posaré unes paraules escrites per Peter Greenaway, bellíssimes, d'una pel·lícula seva que he vist més d'un pic pel cap baix...

MRS. TALMANN: We have a Cedar of Lebanon and a Judas Tree. Perhaps we could cultivate a Tree of Heaven?

MR. TALMANN: The gardens of England are becoming jungles. Such exotics are grossly unsuitable. If the Garden of Eden was planned for England, God would have seen to it.

MR. NEVILLE: The Garden of Eden was originally intended for Ireland. For it was there that St. Patrick eradicated the snake.

MRS. TALMANN: The only useful eradication in Ireland was performed by William of Orange, four years ago on my birthday.

MR. NEVILLE: And happy birthday to you, Mr. Talmann. If you are not too old to receive presents, perhaps the gardener and I can find a snake for your orangerie.


MRS. TALMANN: (to MR. TALMANN) Shhht. (to MR. NEVILLE) Good day, Mr. Neville.

MR. NEVILLE: Good day, Madam.

Escrit per Peter Greenaway (El contracte del dibuixant)